All uploaded content must be reviewed prior to publication to ensure that the content is not illegal and does not otherwise violate the Standards.
A global network of content moderation experts, artificial intelligence and machine learning that reviews and moderates all user-generated content prior to publication.
The combination of AI and human content moderation increases both the efficiency and efficacy of the content moderation workflow, resulting in faster and more accurate moderation decisions.
Our AI moderation tool reviews all content before publication and flags any potential violation of standards.
Our human moderation network reviews all flagged content and if the violation is confirmed, the content is immediately flagged for removal by the merchant.
Human moderators review a sample set of all content not flagged by AI for manual review to continually check and maintain the accuracy and quality of the AI content moderation.
Our content moderation solution works over a vast range of media types, ensuring maximum compliance and user safety whatever the platform.
Content Moderation
Our content moderation process has been designed from the ground up to incorporate both AI and human judgement to maximise the effectiveness, speed and accuracy of content moderation.
Feature focus
Artificial intelligence content moderation reduces the workload for human moderators. It cuts their exposure to harmful content while improving the AI decision algorithms resulting in an increasingly efficient, safe and scalable content moderation workflow.
Our moderation team reviews all content requiring human moderation via our purpose-built content moderation dashboard, designed to deliver maximum efficiency and accuracy throughout the moderation process.
Potential issues within the content are tagged by artificial intelligence along with timestamps to assist the moderation team in making quick and accurate decisions.
Content uploader and participant verifications are displayed to assist in any moderation decisions relating to age and consent.
Maintain platform health via a robust, multi-pronged content moderation tech stack ensuring published content has been diligently screened for violations.
Fostering a safe experience for all users with a participant consent and verification process, combined with content moderation quality control & complaint resolution.
By manually reviewing a sample set of all content, we can ensure the correct moderation decisions are being made, and the health of your content is maintained.
Explore the wide range of safeguarding and compliance features that work together to protect your business and its users.
Any questions? Let's chat. Our dedicated team are always on-hand to discuss identity and content verification.